Private Pilot Training
An FAA Private Pilot Certificate allows you to fly almost anywhere, anywhen, you like. You can fly just for the fun of it, to visit family and friends, to ski Tahoe without sitting in hours of traffic, and/or to optimize your business travel. All it takes is a willingness to learn, time and an investment in flight training. Not sure? Contact me for a special introductory flight lesson to see what it's like to fly.
Commercial Pilot Training
The FAA Comercial Pilot Certificate is the first step to earning money doing what you love to do. In addition, the training required for a commercial pilot certificate develops your mastery of the aircraft to a whole new level. Even if you never intend to fly commercially, you will learn new maneuvers, develop your skills and fly with even greater confidence. This certificate takes much less time to earn than Private or Instrument and the maneuvers can be a lot of fun!
High Performance & Complex Endorsements
Your private pilot's certificate opened a world of flight to you. However, if you trained for your private in the typical GA trainer aircraft you are limited to aircraft that are under 200 horsepower and use fixed pitch propellers and fixed gear. If you'd like to go faster and further or move up to more complex aircraft you will need a complex and/or high performance endorsement. The training is relatively quick and easy, even better, it's fun to learn a new aircraft!
Pilot Proficiency
The FAA requires a flight review every two years. You could do that, or you can have a lot more fun building and maintaining your proficiency. Learn how to fly the "Bay Tour" to show your family and friends some of the best Bay Area landmarks from the air. Do you want to ski Lake Tahoe without sitting in traffic for 5-7 hours? Learn how to fly in the Sierras safely. Let's say work has kept you away from flying for a long time. Let me accompany you and help you knock the rust off and get back in the air solo again. The options are endless.
Check Ride Preparation
My "mock oral" evaluations help students prepare for the scenario based testing commonly used in today's check rides and helps their CFIs identify areas that need additional review before taking the practical test. My supplemental training helps students learn and apply the aeronautical knowlege they need - not only to pass their check rides but to be safer pilots for life.